I am a survivor of abuse who managed to make it through over 30 years of marriage with a nightmare of husband. I was abused right from the beginning of our relationship in 1984, physically, emotionally, and verbally. Of which all include stomping my head and back, blinding my right eye, punching, kicking, hair pulling and even severe threats of putting a loaded gun to my head. Once he went so far as to threaten to pour gasoline on me and set me on fire.
In September of 2000, I became diagnosed with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorders, and PTSD. I could no longer go to the places I loved or enjoy doing things that were apart of me. I stopped writing, drawing, or even dancing — things I had done since I was a child. The young, curly blonde, artistic, energetic girl was gone. He beat it all out of me. All that was left was a broken mess of a woman.